Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009


venue:rumah masing2
waktu:0208 am - 0312 am

~...tObasCo eLaMor...~=teh
nabeela hebat=busu
Tiah Bella=dhe


~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : hola
nabeela hebat : laaa
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : helo333
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : test
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ak sorg kew??
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : looooooooooooo
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : uhuk3
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : mana ngah??
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : maydey2

lostidentity_se7en : hello
lostidentity_se7en : x ajk dhe??

nabeela hebat : ce miskol busu jap
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : huh??
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : dhe wat inbisible kew??

nabeela hebat : dhe ade disitu
nabeela hebat : rye
nabeela hebat : cpat ar
nabeela hebat : transfer

~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ap333
lostidentity_se7en : ajk je dhe
lostidentity_se7en : die invi
lostidentity_se7en : rsenye

~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : memg invie
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : low profile kan..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : dhe kan da errrr

lostidentity_se7en : hahah
lostidentity_se7en : mne bley
lostidentity_se7en : die kn wtk utama

~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ahahhaa
Tiah Bella : yeah
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~: mana mereka???
Tiah Bella : wtak utame here
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : tatia bella
Tiah Bella : haha
Tiah Bella : low profile en sy
Tiah Bella : sy xmau dgnggu
Tiah Bella : fulstop

lostidentity_se7en : nape?
lostidentity_se7en : dhe??
lostidentity_se7en : nk g mne???

~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : meh la dtg umah ak!!!
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : saya mau ganggu anda seme..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : weh..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ahahaha...

Tiah Bella : dhe d cni
Tiah Bella : bsame nyamuk2 kacak
Tiah Bella : gtal kaki ak nih
Tiah Bella : rye
Tiah Bella : anda tgglkan sy
Tiah Bella : kjam anda

~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : sejuk2222
lostidentity_se7en : nk g
lostidentity_se7en : tp

Tiah Bella : 2lisan kcik oke
lostidentity_se7en : xde teman
lostidentity_se7en : hahah
lostidentity_se7en : sori dhe
lostidentity_se7en : anda bosan

~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : jom jew la ngah..
lostidentity_se7en : sy lg bosan
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ajak usu
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ahahhaa
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : say juga!!!

Tiah Bella : pe ni ngah
Tiah Bella : ttglkan sy

~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : sakit pewot makan limau manyakkkkk
Tiah Bella : blah cam 2 je
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : dhe..
Tiah Bella : tacink sy taw x
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : jum la p umah saya..
lostidentity_se7en : sori dhe
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : aunti zaza pasti kasi
lostidentity_se7en : sy nk guling ats katil
Tiah Bella : argh
Tiah Bella : mane nab
lostidentity_se7en : ila!!!!!!!
Tiah Bella : anti zaza kasi kot teh
Tiah Bella : tp ble sy da kawen
lostidentity_se7en : nab,nab,NAB
lostidentity_se7en : dh kawen??
lostidentity_se7en : x ajk pon
Tiah Bella : maleh ajk
nabeela hebat : ahaaaa
nabeela hebat : nab kmbali setelah usha awek
nabeela hebat : shumil bangert!
lostidentity_se7en : busu busuk
Tiah Bella : yeke
Tiah Bella : kasi url cpat!
Tiah Bella : cpat nab
Tiah Bella : mau usha
lostidentity_se7en : lesbo
Tiah Bella : wek
Tiah Bella : ngah
lostidentity_se7en : ala
Tiah Bella : anda tiade kaitan lam idup sy
lostidentity_se7en : dhe marah
nabeela hebat : nga
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : lesboooooooooooo
lostidentity_se7en : jgn merajuk
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ahahhaa
nabeela hebat : shumil laa
Tiah Bella : ngah tiade kaitan lam idup sy
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : pe jadah??
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : adoiii
nabeela hebat : lakar luis cg dlm page anda
nabeela hebat : +lukis
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ikot mu la nak kaitan ke dok
lostidentity_se7en : DHE!!!!!
Tiah Bella : ngah
Tiah Bella : sy syg anda
Tiah Bella : nape td
nabeela hebat : tp nape breast nab pling besa ea??
Tiah Bella : ooh td nenek ak ym ngan korg
nabeela hebat : cam tipu je neyh
Tiah Bella : ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ye222
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : x phm
lostidentity_se7en : breast??
lostidentity_se7en : pe ni busu??
Tiah Bella : cyan ak
Tiah Bella : pky pampers je
Tiah Bella : da la kaki org lidi
Tiah Bella : sadis woo
lostidentity_se7en : hahah
lostidentity_se7en : comey pe?
nabeela hebat : hahhaah
nabeela hebat : breast nab kkecik je taw
lostidentity_se7en : rmbut teh plg best
nabeela hebat : pkai bara pon besar
nabeela hebat : saje bg nmpak besa
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : aphal rambot dawai ak lak ni??
nabeela hebat : bara??
nabeela hebat : hahah
nabeela hebat : busud
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : bar222
nabeela hebat : +bra
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : bar222
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : julina
lostidentity_se7en : anda.
lostidentity_se7en : xde spe ke nk ke termerloh??
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : dorg tamau p umah ak an..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ :
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ :
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ :
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : julina
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : dorg tamau p umah ak an..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : bar222
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : bar222
lostidentity_se7en : spe julina??
lostidentity_se7en : bar222??
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : merpek jewk
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : weh..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : dorg memg tamau p umah ak ??
lostidentity_se7en : mne mereke??
nabeela hebat : lapar arr wh
nabeela hebat : rye nk mknan
lostidentity_se7en : nk mkn??
lostidentity_se7en : megi ade.
lostidentity_se7en : nk??
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : tamau la..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : mana sweme org..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ngah
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : jom mengumpat dhe n busu
lostidentity_se7en : jom'
lostidentity_se7en : dhe tu kn,
lostidentity_se7en : astaga.
lostidentity_se7en : x tau nk ckp camane
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : 2 la...
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : macam tuttttttttt jew
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : guling x enti2
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : adoi..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ :si busu 2..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : pnt la..
lostidentity_se7en : pas2,
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : skandal subuh la kate kan
lostidentity_se7en : ade ke ptut,
lostidentity_se7en : gayut ngan kudin cte psl han2
lostidentity_se7en : ish3.
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : pe nak jd an..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : tau la da feymes..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : dgn indie band ag..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : pixx kontrobersi ag...
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : mat kedah
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~: eh..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ap 2
lostidentity_se7en : tu la,
Tiah Bella : lg2
lostidentity_se7en: mamat u** lg
Tiah Bella : dhe 2 bajet en
lostidentity_se7en : yg teh tu plak
lostidentity_se7en : oups!
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : huh??
lostidentity_se7en : huh?
lostidentity_se7en: ape2??
lostidentity_se7en : ttido td
lostidentity_se7en : anda sume x bsemngt
lostidentity_se7en : hnye sy dn teh sje
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~: tau x pew..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : da la..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : blah la cmni..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : da la tamau dtg umah saya
Tiah Bella : yeah
Tiah Bella : dhe lazer dcni
Tiah Bella : sj mngglkan korg
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : biar la sy bawa ati saya yg lara jazlin ke katil
Tiah Bella : seksa en ble org y kte syg xlyn kite
Tiah Bella : sekse en?
Tiah Bella : 2 la dhe rase ble teh n ngah tgglkn dhe bgitu je tkulai2
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : wateva
lostidentity_se7en : hahah
Tiah Bella : oke
lostidentity_se7en : dhe touching
Tiah Bella : lara jazlin anak kuh!
lostidentity_se7en : busu!!!!
Tiah Bella : tacink la
Tiah Bella : dhe na korg rase pe y dhe rase
Tiah Bella : taw x
lostidentity_se7en : almk
lostidentity_se7en : sjk lps subuh ni
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : sapew wat dhe terasa?
lostidentity_se7en : dhe dh berubh
Tiah Bella : mane ade
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~: im agree wif u candidate a
Tiah Bella : dhe stil y dlu!
Tiah Bella : dhe xpnah brubah oke!
Tiah Bella : mgkin pas sbuh 2 wat dhe lg bfkran jaoh ke dpn
Tiah Bella : hahahahahahahahaha
Tiah Bella : ptus urat kntut ak 2leh mnde nih!
Tiah Bella : hahah
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : smbg la balik
Tiah Bella : smbung pe
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : urat 2
Tiah Bella : xmau
Tiah Bella : xptus ag
Tiah Bella : awk sume
lostidentity_se7en : hahah
lostidentity_se7en : fun la dhe ni
Tiah Bella : pngumuman pnting nih!
Tiah Bella : mau dnga x?
lostidentity_se7en : ape?
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ngah..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : kat mana nak letak code shoutmix??
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : my fwen tnye
lostidentity_se7en : nnt
lostidentity_se7en : mne dhe
lostidentity_se7en : excited ni
lostidentity_se7en : wlaupn bru dtpoo td
Tiah Bella : haha
Tiah Bella : anda mau taw x
Tiah Bella : ngah
Tiah Bella : jwb lu solan teh

lostidentity_se7en : huh.
lostidentity_se7en : ko g kt layout
lostidentity_se7en : plh add gadget
lostidentity_se7en : plh
lostidentity_se7en : java/html
lostidentity_se7en : pas2 paste je la
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ok..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : da tjwb
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : cepat la dhe..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : layan ngah
lostidentity_se7en : mne busu ni
lostidentity_se7en : kang ak cancel cte hnazkri tu bru tau
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~: pe?
Tiah Bella : oke2
Tiah Bella : jeng222222222222222222
lostidentity_se7en: dah rr
lostidentity_se7en : dhe sje
lostidentity_se7en : mbuai prasaan org yg blom kapel
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : yeah
Tiah Bella : mane ade
Tiah Bella : sy suda putus
Tiah Bella : haha
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : yekw?
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : takziah
Tiah Bella : ye la
Tiah Bella : hukhukhuk
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : x cye
Tiah Bella : agk ksdihan
Tiah Bella : nape xcye lak teh
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : emmmmmmm
Tiah Bella : teh lyn la teh
Tiah Bella : nape xcye
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : x cye
nabeela hebat : ye
nabeela hebat : saye dsini
nabeela hebat : terleka sbntar td
nabeela hebat : jap ea
nabeela hebat : jgn kancel agy
Tiah Bella : wani
nabeela hebat : korang cter pe neyh?
Tiah Bella : wani
Tiah Bella : wani
nabeela hebat : na join2
Tiah Bella : cye la
Tiah Bella : ak da ptus
lostidentity_se7en : x caye
lostidentity_se7en : nk tnye tuuttt sndri
Tiah Bella : la
Tiah Bella : tol la
Tiah Bella : nape xna cye lak
Tiah Bella : bkn tuuttt la
Tiah Bella : hdoh bnyinye
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : jom tnye tuuttt
Tiah Bella : tuutt!
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ry pas no
Tiah Bella : wei
Tiah Bella : ak ptus urat kentut la
Tiah Bella : haha
Tiah Bella : mmg la korg xcye
Tiah Bella : hahaha
lostidentity_se7en : 01$%^&*#@$
lostidentity_se7en : 01$%^&*#@$
lostidentity_se7en : 01$%^&*#@$
lostidentity_se7en : 01$%^&*#@$
lostidentity_se7en : 01$%^&*#@$
lostidentity_se7en : 01$%^&*#@$
lostidentity_se7en : 01$%^&*#@$
Tiah Bella : mane ade
Tiah Bella : bkn no 2
Tiah Bella : wek
Tiah Bella : ngah slah
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : kami ttp cri tuuttt
nabeela hebat : aku daa miskol beliau
nabeela hebat : ahahaha
lostidentity_se7en : slh?
lostidentity_se7en : xpe
lostidentity_se7en : nnt kte kol
nabeela hebat : skandel maghrib laa pasni
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : okkkk
lostidentity_se7en : klu ckp @%&*$
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : no probbbbbbbbbbbbb
lostidentity_se7en : i2 mmg beliau
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : weh..
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : @%&*$$$$$$$$$

pe y tiah bella kate tlh dsensored 

lostidentity_se7en : so
lostidentity_se7en : no tu btul rr kn??
lostidentity_se7en : heheh
Tiah Bella : xtol pn
Tiah Bella : mane ade tol
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ahahhaa 
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : gatal tol urat kentoooootttt minah 2
Tiah Bella : haha
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : yes
Tiah Bella : kan ak ckp ptus urat kentut
Tiah Bella : hahahahaah
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : teh x terpedaya
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : belaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Tiah Bella : bace la blik kat ats 2
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : yeah
Tiah Bella : yeah
lostidentity_se7en : @%&*$
nabeela hebat : bioh on9 weyH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nabeela hebat : saye baek!
lostidentity_se7en : huh?
lostidentity_se7en : ajk rrf
nabeela hebat : saye baek!
nabeela hebat : saye baek
nabeela hebat : saye baek
nabeela hebat : saye baek
Tiah Bella : bosan ak
nabeela hebat : nab baek
nabeela hebat : nab baek
lostidentity_se7en : ak lg bosan
nabeela hebat : nab baek
nabeela hebat : nab baek
nabeela hebat : nab baek
nabeela hebat : nab baek
nabeela hebat : nab baek
nabeela hebat : nab baek
nabeela hebat : nab baek
nabeela hebat : nab baek
nabeela hebat : nab baek
lostidentity_se7en : ak jahat
Tiah Bella : korg
Tiah Bella : cte hot
Tiah Bella : nanan kate en
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : baek la ko sorg
Tiah Bella : dlu name kat ms die
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ak chantek
Tiah Bella : kakakmu dgigit krengga
Tiah Bella : emakmu bkn monyet
Tiah Bella : adkmu menonton television
Tiah Bella : die bosan
lostidentity_se7en : weyh
Tiah Bella : haha
lostidentity_se7en : ajk bioh
Tiah Bella : bab 2 gne name ak bkn abahmu
lostidentity_se7en : sian die
lostidentity_se7en : kne lyn sorang2
Tiah Bella : lyn la ak weh
lostidentity_se7en : x mo
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : x mau
Tiah Bella : anda
Tiah Bella : tgk la status kat ms sy!
Tiah Bella : tgk taw
Tiah Bella : tgk yuk
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : bnyk agenda tol dhe ni
lostidentity_se7en : tuuttt kacak??
lostidentity_se7en : wtf??
lostidentity_se7en : hahaha.
Tiah Bella : haha
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : amik la tiah
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : selagy dye maseh kacak
Tiah Bella : hahah

pe y tiah bella kate tpakse dsensored ag!arap maaf 

Tiah Bella : tgk name kat ms aku!
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : bnyk agenda
Tiah Bella : HAHAH
Tiah Bella : bese la 1
lostidentity_se7en : tuuttt kacak??
lostidentity_se7en : tuuttt kacak??
lostidentity_se7en : tuuttt kacak??
lostidentity_se7en : tuuttt kacak??

yeah!dsensored ag pe y tiah bella kate!(sulit yek) 

Tiah Bella : anda
Tiah Bella : mane anda sume
Tiah Bella : sy bosan nih
lostidentity_se7en : bosan
lostidentity_se7en : sy pn bgitu
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : yeah
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : blah dlu!!!
lostidentity_se7en : nk blah?
lostidentity_se7en : nape?
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : sayang kamu!!1
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : ak nak top conference
Tiah Bella : la
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : wlpn kamu tamu p umah saya
Tiah Bella : nape ni
Tiah Bella : wani
Tiah Bella : jgn g lg
Tiah Bella : xsonok la camni
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : along bioh kim slm
lostidentity_se7en : klu cam2
lostidentity_se7en : sy pn out la
Tiah Bella : SY PN MAU OUT
Tiah Bella : daadaa
~...tObasCo eLaMor...~ : dsaaa


Saturday, January 17, 2009

ini kisah sgt tragik + sadis

sbnarnyer dsini saye disuruh becerite bout banjir kat gambang!sumpaa!!xcaye???tnyer tiah arr!!dier en watak utama!aku minor je!!alkisah bermula dgn kedatangan tiah yg penoh lemah lembut ke b1t123!!( muke amek ganjaa dowh )..dgn penuh kesayuan tiah mintak kat bioh mau ayer masak! ( ei,,kat bilik dier xder ayer kaa??? ).actualy tiah tkut sembelit.sbb 2 la die mntak ayer!...nga lepak2 atas katil,,tetiba air yg panas tuh terlepas dari tgn watak utama itu!!perghhh,,,,air itu mngalir dgn baek!abes basah satu katil...lantas,,aku bangun mnyelamatkn aset terpenting kuh ( buntot laa )!!gile panas..seb baek taa melecur!!!bioh pon blari2 amek note fizik die n kak nani.(nga stadi tme tuh)....tnyate,,kami tibe2 terpna!fonkuh + tiah terendam besame air panas itu!!gilaa sayu laaa....cpat2 kami amek fon kami...

bioh pndng sayu notanye itu n note kak nani.aiyark!camne mau kering.bioh think out of da box.pntas bioh mnggosok note2 itu mnggunekan iron panasonic.ideas for life!sggh kmbang itu note!tiah tkebil2 mncri port tbaek nak tgk bioh mnggosok note itu.sdg mncari port tbaek,kpale tiah thantuk kat rak buku bioh!snggh kuat itu bnyi.benjol itu kpale!yeah!ari mlang tok watak utame!

tp tnyater fon kami mmg kuh xleyh bfunction dgn 3G pulak abes masok air..try on 3G,tnyete mcm ader dlm laut!!oh,,saye lemasss...sangat kesedihan...menanges2 tepon mak!!pada tika inieyh,,aku hyer igt org yg tesayang!!( cam iklan jalan raye )...lari2 dr bilik lepak port biase...tserempak lak yah(yg kate aku daa kapel tu)...haish,,xmacho laa nanges depan die!AHAKSSS~agk muram + suram kehidupankuh lpas tuh!express music tiah???haaa,,,xley bukak tros!!nmpak laa petanda tiah kener beli fon baru kan kawan2???esoknyer,,fon kuh kmbali normal!!tnyater saye dsayangi ramai!hahhaa...

Friday, January 16, 2009

world's most amazing calendar

kami hepi yeah!

finally we got our own calendar!calendar of da year yeah!

mst korg jeles en xde klendar spt kami ;)

xpe2,klendar ni cme smntare je ddnia ni.xkekal pn.haha

now we present u...


more bout dis klendar :

~bil gmba ahli cg lam klendar ni (increasng order)

  1. basirah : 10 kpng
  2. wani : 12 kpng
  3. nab : 13 kpng
  4. rye : 14 kpng
  5. tiah : 15 kpng

~kami tmpah dis clendar ngan pipoh's dad.thanx uncle ;)

da fact : 14 org je lam dnia ni y ade kalendar ni!dan korg sgt la rgi xde klendar y bprestij ni!bngge mnjadi antre 14 org tuh!haha

solan2 y ingin dkemukekan :

  1. cun en klendar ni?
  2. sape y pling gile kamera?
  3. tfkirkah korg tuk mmiliki klendar ni?
  4. agk2 korg,ktorg hbat x ade klendar cam ni?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

kami dboikot

tema : pmboikotan cekodok gedik oleh seorg insan y agk lemah!

~apkah motif utame pmboikotan cg nih?

~kslahn ape y pnah dlakukn cg?
~adkah kami tlampau hot?

evident :
1. dhe mngkarye hsil tlisannye y cket ag nak kreatif diats ktas biru.Mnulis name ahli2 cg y dsygi.
2. krye tsbut mndpt smbutan hangit dr ngah n teh.Mreka mncdangkn krye 2 dtmpal dsblh cermin y slalu dknjungi pnghuni B1 juz 4 24 hours!(tyme 2 kol 3lbiy la)
3. ckop 24 jam,krye 2 msih xdcbut.Dat krye remain at rest.Ade y prasan,ade y xprasan(klu y xprasan 2 syok tgk muke sndr kat!)
4. ckop 4 ari krye tsbut dtmpal,ngah tprasan kat krye tsbut ade pkataan 'PERASAN!'.Gne marker lak 2.Cam pe yek kwn2?cam bangau en.
5. kami ttnye2,sape pnye angkare.Slame ni kte pnah ke ha wat org skit ati.Kte idup care kite je en.
6. nak kate kami hot,xla sgt.Tp mmg kdg2 kami hot pn.
7. kami agk kebengangan!Plg obvious ngah y mncampkkn krye tsbut kpd dhe!

Moral of da story :
~jgn nak mess up ngan ktorg!
~mndngki 2 amlan tktuk!sirim xgalakkn!
~btaubat la anda!

p/s : da true terrorist,plez come 4ward!any objection?come n c us!we gona kick ur ass!haha.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

kami jahil

tarikh : 7 januari 2009(10 muharam).
lokasi : blik ngah n dhe.

pnipu thormat : ngah.

dtipu : dhe(1st tyme ni kne tpu).

tsbut la ksah.dhe n ngah da rncang nak pose esk(ari kames).

diorg nak pose gnti!pe?xgnti ag??!!

lalai kan mreka ni!
dhe da niat pose da tyme 2(agk smgt,muke pnuh ykin).

den,tyme gathring cg,bncang sal pose.
ngah ckp esk xley pose coz ari tasyrik.
dhe agk lega sbb sok bley lg mkn(haha).

tarikh : 8 januari 2009(11 muharam.y dsngka ari tasyrik oleh ngah)
lokasi : dkb 2
watak utame : dhe
watak sampingan : tiha

tyme lec physcs(yeah!bckp tyme lcture),dhe tnye tiha.
dhe : ko pose x?
tiha : pose!
dhe : ari ni kan ari tasyrik(muke yakin)

tiha : yeke.buke pose a pasni(nafsu nak mkn byk yek tiha ni)

pas 2 tiha sbuk pk ari tasyrik.

die kte ari tasyrik 11,12,13 zulhijah!

dhe ckp y ngah ckp 11,12,13 muhram la!

tiha tnye farha.

yeah!ari tasyrik 11,12,13 zulhijah!

yeah!dhe ttpu ngan kate2 mnis ngah!
nmpak la dhe n ngah ni jahil yek trikh2 lam islam!

xlupe juge ngan long ira,teh n busu!

moral of da story :

~kite jgn la pcaye ckp kwn kite wpon kite da anggp cam adk bradik spt mnde2 pnting nih!ssnguhnye kite rjuk la ajk2 surau y bdktn!

~jgn pcye ckp ngah wpon muke pnuh ykin bkate2!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

BukTi kAmi fEymeS!!!


p/s:-dapatkan di pasaran sekrg smntra stok maseh ada

Saturday, January 3, 2009

pencariaN kasut terchantek~

pagi yg damai....
lokasi : bilik nab + long basariah
masa : dlm kiraan 2.30 am
xtvt : stadi tnpa henti! ( kefokusan adalah matlamat kami!! )
gangguan : kasut shantek B1.T1.21..
sequences : ke toilet bsame teh n ngah

Seperti biase, kami, ahli2 CG yg rjn s2dy ni mngambil ksempatan pd hr mggu ntuk tdo lmbt. Lokasi kami s2dy x laen x bkn adlh d b1-t1-23.

Sedang2 enak s2dy, ngah pn mngajak teh ke toilet ntuk mggosok gigi & dfollow olh busu. Kami pn bawa la cawan yg dgunkn ntuk wat nescaffe td ntuk dbasuh.

Pulangnya kami dr toilet, kelihatn kasut2 wedges yg chantek di rak kasoot b1-t1-21. Dengan tdak sengaja, kami sgt bnafsu melihat kasut yg chantek i2.

Maka, dgn tdk sngaja, keluarlah cyber shot 3.2mp dr poket seluar busu. Suasana semakin riuh, keluarlah dhe dgn seribu ptanyaan. Olh i2, dhe pn join. Along tdk dpt turut serta krn sudah lama bdengkur.

Pd pmulaanya, kami hnya mmilih kasut2 chantek di b1-t1-21 shj. Tp tnp dsengajakn, kaki2 kami mula mlangkah laju ke b1-t1-22 dan tbe semula ke b1-t1-23. Antara mngse2 keadaan adlh ieya & seorg ahli b1-t1-03 yg msh blum tdo pd ketika itu.


stuDy etu MEmg boWsan

sumpa borink...
kenapa kna study??x ley kew tros mintak keje enginer...
tamau jd cam zacs newt0n..dah jdi engineer baru na usha si Z...
x phm tol...
kenapa kna study???
x ley idup kew???
knp ada physics???
knp mak dye lahirkan dye?
siapa dye 2???
issacs newton,albert ensetain??
wujud nye equation newtons laW..
wujud nye electrostatics..capasitor...ap2 la...

yg penting mereka memg membosan kan..
long iRa x glkkan pon dorg wat seme 2..
knp degil sgt??
hujan yg merembes di luar jendela...
meniti-niti di tepi tga...menimbulkan suasana TENANG...
kan sYafiq???!!!

seberat2 gajah...berat lagy mata ku....
u hav 2 speak in ENGLISH!!!
the heavier the elephant..the heaviest my eyes!!
dun knw y...i feel like madonna..want to sing a song until die..

Ko memg cineg la weh..
G0d0k..(endah x endah jew la)